3 Nov 2014

Robert Herring, Tree Surgeon working across East Anglia

Welcome to Robert Herring's website!

When staying with us in the summer, Robert noticed that we had some large trees in need of urgent attention and TLC, an ideal excuse to revisit his Aunt in distant Herefordshire.

So when autumn came he returned with saws and climbing gear and his very impressive Timberwolf chipper. After a very full day we had a shed full of firewood, a lovely neat pile of useful wood chip and some very tidy trees ready to resist the winter gales.

In the evening we got to talking about websites and I said I could rustle something up. A few hours later, this is it.

As Robert is much happier working in trees than sat in front of a computer this may be the first and last blog post, but he might one day be persuaded to share some useful tips on tree care and planting. So sign up on the right without fear of being swamped by email notifications.

So if you need a new website, Robert isn't your man but if you are in East Anglia and have trees requiring attention, then we couldn't recommend him more highly.

Nick Grant
Sheila Herring (Auntie!)